BattSim-GDC Simulator: How much battery your green datacenter needs?


  • Enida Sheme
  • Igli Tafa
  • Fatmir Basholli


Green Datacenter, Simulator, Energy storage device, Battery size, Solar panels


Green datacenters topic has been highly researched in the last decade. Main sources of clean energy currently used to feed datacenters are solar, wind and geothermal. Their intermittence poses a challenge in the research field of green datacenters. Thus, the need of an energy storage device becomes present, to store the overproduced energy, while using it when there is not enough clean energy production. In this paper, we pose the question: “How much battery is appropriate for the needs of a given datacenter, while trading-off the cost of the battery and the overproduction of clean energy”? For this, we analyze, design, and implement a simulator called BattSim-GDC, to simulate different scenarios to find the best combination between clean energy quantity and battery size, aiming the lowest waste of renewable (clean) energy production. For this study, the input energy taken in consideration is solar. The results, obtained after the simulator’s implementation, show that BattSim-GDC simulator is a necessary tool to be taken in account from administrators, when projecting a green datacenter.


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