Geobotanical and comparative data on vegetation in selected areas of central Albania, Elbasan region


  • Selma Myslihaka


Conservation, Vegetation, Floristic element, Biological forms, Habitats


At the current circumstances phytocenosis – agroecosystems and geobotanical approaches has been more difficult to avoid the transformation associated with the growth of global anthropogenic pressure. Concurrently, anthropogenic factors affect all parts of ecosystems, causing changes in the living component of nature. The study of the real state of ecosystems, their changes and stability under the load of anthropogenic factors is impossible without a comprehensive, in-depth study of them. In this contribution are presented vegetation data of the region of Elbasan, central Albania following comparative features from the systematic spectrum, biological forms and floristic element. It is worth to mention that survey area and associated vegetation is of particular interest due to its location and influences by the multifaceted Mediterranean-Atlantic climate with the continental one which enables this region to have rich biodiversity values and particular floristic composition. This survey is dedicated the region of Elbasan and covers three areas: Byshek, Xibraka-Shkumbini Valley and Elbasan. Based on geographical location and field expeditions there are identified and compared well-developed plant species, which are spontaneously growing, as well as plants that are rare and grow in limited areas in different climates and microclimates.  Following the identified plant lists, systematic spectra and the percentage occupied by each family are constructed. The floristic diversity of this region is of scientific, economic and medical importance as the collection of plants provides a significant amount of raw materials for export, the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, making a valuable contribution to the country. Compliance with the requirements of environmental management, environmental protection and optimization of management of landscapes is becoming one of the main conditions for increasing ecosystems and associated species and habitats conservation.


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