Real-ESRGAN: A deep learning approach for general image restoration and its application to aerial images
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General image restoration is a challenging task in computer vision, especially for images with complex scenes and noise. Practical algorithms for general image restoration, such as Enhanced Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks (ESRGAN), have been developed to address this problem. Real-ESRGAN is a deep learning-based image restoration model that uses a generative adversarial network (GAN) to produce high-resolution images from low-resolution inputs. In recent years, Real-ESRGAN has gained significant attention for its impressive image restoration results on various types of images, including aerial images. Aerial images have unique challenges, such as high noise, low contrast, and blur, which affect the quality of the images. ESRGAN has been applied successfully to restore these images and enhance their visual quality, enabling better interpretation and analysis. In this article, we review the practical algorithms for general image restoration, with a focus on Real-ESRGAN and its application on aerial images. We discuss the architecture and application strategies of Real-ESRGAN, as well as its advantages and limitations. We also present examples of how Real-ESRGAN has been used in various applications, such as Segment Anything Model (SAM) and its application as object detection, classification, and segmentation. This study utilized the GÖKTÜRK II 2022 Istanbul Aerial Image dataset, which comprises 917,252 image chips with a resolution of (512x512) and a 3-channel RGB format. In order to enhance the visual quality, the image chips were upscaled to a higher resolution of (1024x1024) using a 2x scaling factor, resulting in a fourfold increase in data size equivalent to 2.684 TB with the same compression ratio. This project shows the potential of Real-ESRGAN in handling large-scale and diverse datasets, as well as its ability to enhance the visual quality of aerial images for real world image restoration, which is essential in various fields such as agriculture, urban planning, and disaster management.
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