Evaluation of green areas with remote sensing and GIS: A case study of Yozgat city center

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Green spaces in urban areas play a critical role in the quality of life. The abundance of urban green spaces; They play an important role in the formation of quality living environments with their ecological, economic, social, physical and aesthetic functions. The fact that green areas or park areas in a city are at the level of human need have positive effects on the socio-psychological structure of the society living there, which has effects on the city in many dimensions such as physical, social, cultural and economic structure and livability, ecological sustainability, urban aesthetics, education, and recreation. makes an impact. It also has significant effects on the local microclimate and the regional climate of the city. In recent years, with the development of remote sensing technologies, many mapping techniques and analyzes have been developed. He has made great contributions to the analysis of urban green spaces. In this study, the direction of urban expansion and changes in urban open-green areas were investigated by using satellite images with high ground sample distance. Analyzes consist of satellite image classification, plant index generation and GIS-based analysis methods. The reliability of geospatial information from remote sensing data is often evaluated by actual verification or comparison with other reference data. In the study, active open green areas detected with the help of satellite images in the city center of Yozgat were compared with the data obtained in the field. More research is needed for thematic applications such as monitoring the changes in urban green spaces with remote sensing methods, assessing vegetation health, and carbon mapping.

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How to Cite
Erdoğan, A., Görken, M., Kabadayı, A., & Temizel, S. (2022). Evaluation of green areas with remote sensing and GIS: A case study of Yozgat city center. Advanced Remote Sensing, 2(2), 58–65. Retrieved from https://publish.mersin.edu.tr/index.php/arsej/article/view/399


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