Assessing the impact of drought on groundwater resources using geospatial techniques in Balochistan Province, Pakistan
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Globally, drought is one of the hydro-meteorological disasters causing human loss, decrease in agricultural production, loss of soil moisture and ground water table. Drought has been particularly severe in Balochistan. The ground water table has been depleted as a result of the decrease in rainfall, which has severely damaged water in tube wells and springs. The purpose of current study is to analyze the impact of drought on groundwater in Balochistan by using geospatial technique approach. Data is acquired through questionnaire, focus group discussion and Global positioning system (GPS). The Analysis reveals that drought has physical, economic and environmental impacts, the decline in groundwater level, the drying up of well, reservoirs, lakes and springs were terribly observed in Balochistan. Devastating drought has demolished historical fruit like apricots which were being cultivated for last 30 to 40 years. The continuous usage of solar energy modules has severely reduced the ground water level. Consequently, obvious changes have been observed in groundwater table for 20 years. The water table has reached 320 feet where it was noted 160 in 2000. Likely, it would further decline with each passing day. Water is extremely declining even though in some areas the extraction level has touched 1400 feet. Meanwhile, few areas had no availability of clean drinking water. The government should emphasize the importance of PDMA organization cooperation and the development of a strategy to help all districts in improving and solidifying their drought policies.
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