Editorial Team
Publisher: Atlas Akademi
Online-ISSN: 2791-8734
Asst. Prof. Ali ULVİ
Mersin University, Department of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (aliulvi@mersin.edu.tr)
Associate Editor
Prof. Dr. Murat YAKAR
Mersin University, Department of Geomatics Engineering (myakar@mersin.edu.tr)
Underwater Archeology
Prof. Dr. Ertekin Mustafa DOKSANALTI, Selçuk University (ertekin96@selcuk.edu.tr)
Prof. Dr. Mustafa ŞAHİN, Uludağ University (mustafasahin@uludag.edu.tr)
Prof. Dr. Mehmet TEKOCAK, Selçuk University (mtekocak@selcuk.edu.tr)
Prof. Dr. Ümit AYDINOĞLU, Mersin University (uaydinoglu@mersin.edu.tr)
Asst. Prof. Aziz Fathi Abdel Aziz ELFADALY (abdelaziz.elfadaly@nasss.sci.eg)
Associate Professor Deniz KAPLAN, Mersin University (denizkaplan@mersin.edu.tr)
Lec. Bilhan SUBAŞI, Mersin University, (bsubasi@mersin.edu.tr)
Prof. Dr. Barış SALİHOĞLU, Middle East Technical University (sabaris@metu.edu.tr)
Underwater photogrammetry and 3D modeling/ Hydrographic measurements and systems
Prof. Dr. Murat YAKAR, Mersin University (myakar@mersin.edu.tr)
Associate Professor. Murat UYSAL, Afyon Kocatepe University (muysal@aku.edu.tr)
Asst. Prof Ali ULVİ, Mersin University (aliulvi@mersin.edu.tr)
Asst. Prof. Nizar POLAT, Harran University (nizarpolat@harran.edu.tr)
Lec. Şafak FİDAN, Mersin University (safakfidan@mersin.edu.tr)
Underwater Cultural heritage and Tourism
Asst. Prof. Fatih VAROL, Selçuk University (fvarol@selcuk.edu.tr)
Asst. Prof. Alaattin BAŞODA, Selçuk University (academy.absd@gmail.com)
Ship engineering and studies
Aquaculture engineering studies
Prof. Dr. Deniz AYAS, Mersin University (ayasdeniz@mersin.edu.tr)
Prof. Dr. Kenan ENGİN, Mersin University (kengin@mersin.edu.tr)
Associate Professor Cafer Erkin Koyuncu, Mersin University (ekoyuncu@mersin.edu.tr)