The First Record ofArgulus japonicus Thiele, 1900 Infestations on Telescope fish (Carassius auratus) of Mersin in Turkey
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Argulus japonicus (Crustacea: Branchiura), or the fish louse, is an ectoparasite of the skin or gill of the fresh water fish species. Clinical signs in infected fish include scratching or flashing on pond aguarium or other objects. It causes pathological changes due to direct tissue damage and secondary infections. In the present study, telescope fish (Carassius auratus), taken from a goldfish aquarium with symptoms such as abnormal swimming, poor growth and death, were examined for ectoparasites. The parasites collected from the skin and fins of fish were identified as A.japonicus. Treatment was carried out by trichlorfon. After administration, no parasite was observed on the fish. This study is the first report of infection with A. japonicus of telescope fish (Carassius auratus)of Mersin in Turkey.
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