Investigation of Underwater Photogrammetry Method: Challenges and Photo Capturing Scenarios of the Method
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Three-dimensional (3D) documentation of an underwater object and its transfer to digital platforms have gained worldwide importance in recent years. For this purpose, the photogrammetry method has been tried underwater and the term underwater photogrammetry has found its place in the literature. The most important reason for preferring the photogrammetry method is that it collects data in a shorter time compared to other methods and provides a positive contribution in terms of time and cost. However, there are both environmental and physical limitations in the underwater photographic data collection process. Various suggestions have been made to minimize these restrictions. The method, in which three-dimensional (3D) data can be produced from moving records of objects known as Structure from Motion-SfM), is also used in underwater photogrammetry. In addition, software used in other photogrammetry methods can also be used in underwater photogrammetry. But in the applications made: According to the photographs taken by other photogrammetry methods, in the photographs taken under water; It is foreseen that some corrections such as color and contrast correction, shadow removal and highlight reduction should be applied with image processing before they can be evaluated in software. Like other photogrammetry methods, underwater photogrammetry has kept pace with technological developments.
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