Evaluation of Artificial Surfaces and Vegetation Index Utilizing Multi-Sensor Data in Response to Population Growth: An Examination of Musanze Secondary City, Rwanda
Published 2024-03-31
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The issue of rapid population growth and its impact on land use has become a pressing concern, particularly in secondary cities such as Musanze. To address this issue, a research study was conducted with the aim of carrying out spatial analyses of time series changes in artificial surfaces and NDVI from the years 2000 to 2020. The study employed a multi-sensorial data-based analysis method to evaluate the changes and their effects on sustainability. (1) The mathematical expression results of the study reveal that during the period under consideration, cultivated land increased from 64.6% to 68.9%, signifying a 4.3% rise. Conversely, forested areas decreased from 30.9% to 25.4%, reflecting a notable reduction of -5.5%. Water bodies saw a marginal uptick from 3.4% to 3.5%, a modest increase of 0.1%. Notably, artificial surfaces nearly doubled, soaring from 1.1% to 2.2%, representing an approximate 1.1% expansion in total coverage. (2) Furthermore, the study found that in 2000, sampled points demonstrated elevated vegetation indices, signifying that artificial areas were notably smaller than natural ones. (3) However, fast forward to 2020, after artificial surfaces had completely covered the sampled area, a significant and notable decrease in the vegetation index was observed, effectively halving the initial value recorded in 2000. In conclusion, while urbanization can foster well-coordinated development, it poses a significant threat to natural areas as people migrate to urban centers. Therefore, to ensure a sustainable future for the population, the study recommends enforcing zoning plans and building upward, using taller residential buildings instead of spreading out horizontally.
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