Published 2023-09-30
- GLOF Hazard, Risk Assessment, Glacial retreat, Hunza Nagar, Karakoram Anomaly
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Worldwide in different regions, increase in temperature has caused variations in many natural phenomena particularly expansion, contraction and creation of glacial lakes Hindu Kush Himalayas (HKH) region. In the recent past, several of these lakes have been burst out and generated Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs) causing considerable human life loss damages to infrastructure and properties in downstream areas. This study is an effort to assess GLOF hazard in Nagar valley, Gilgit Baltistan using Geo-spatial Technique. Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and Google Earth image has been utilized as input data. Buffer analysis is applied to demarcate the hazard zone and map the elements at risk. The results indicated that Passu Lake has potential to cause GLOF. The volume of the lake has been increased from 788383.79 m3 (2016) to 892910.494 m3 (2018). The exposed areas include portions of Karakoram Highway and some villages downstream to Passu Lake along Hunza River. The outcomes of this study will be helpful in reducing the adverse impacts of GLOFs events in Passu sub-watershed. The results can also assist decision makers to develop a mechanism for reliable and cost effective monitoring of glacier lakes and GLOFs hazard and risk assessment using advance geospatial hydrologic/hydraulic modeling techniques.
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