Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024)

Comparing Photogrammetry and Smartphone LIDAR for 3D Documentation: Kızılkoyun Necropolis Case Study

Emine Beyza Dörtbudak
Harran Üniversitesi

Published 2024-03-31


  • Photogrammetry,
  • Iphone,
  • LİDAR,
  • Point Cloud,
  • Documentation

How to Cite

Dörtbudak, E. B., & Akça, Şeyma. (2024). Comparing Photogrammetry and Smartphone LIDAR for 3D Documentation: Kızılkoyun Necropolis Case Study. Advanced LiDAR, 4(1), 19–27. Retrieved from https://publish.mersin.edu.tr/index.php/lidar/article/view/1369


Archaeological remains and historical artifacts serve as essential records that illuminate a society's history, culture, and lifestyle. Vulnerable to damage from various factors, these artifacts pose challenges to sustainable preservation and hinder cultural and artistic comprehension. Documenting their present state and recording features become imperative to mitigate potential information loss. Photogrammetry, an image-based technique, emerges as a key method for three-dimensional documentation by merging two-dimensional images from different angles. This process utilizes cameras with diverse focal lengths and specialized software to generate 3D models from photograph surfaces. Additionally, LIDAR, employing short laser bursts and backscattering, proves invaluable for documentation. Its advantages, including high accuracy, dense point data, and rapid data collection, have been further extended with recent technological strides, allowing integration into smartphones. This study exemplifies the creation of a 3D point cloud of a relief sculpture in the Kızılkoyun Necropolis, achieved through the synergistic use of photogrammetry and a LIDAR sensor embedded in a smartphone.


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