Exploration of the carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn deposit via using IP/Resistivity and ground penetrating radar (GPR) methods in Yahyalı (Kayseri-Türkiye)
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In the field of mineral exploration, the identification and characterization of economically viable ore deposits are key challenges. Lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) deposits are of great importance in global metal supply chains, and the exploration of these resources requires innovative and reliable methodologies. Efficient and accurate exploration methods are essential for locating and assessing Pb-Zn deposits. These methods help determine the potential of ore deposits, optimize resource utilization, and support sustainable mining practices. By employing advanced techniques and technologies, mineral exploration endeavors can effectively identify and evaluate Pb-Zn deposits, contributing to the global metal supply chain and ensuring the availability of these critical resources. This paper presents a comprehensive study on the exploration of Pb-Zn deposits using the induced polarization (IP) and resistivity methods. The aim of this study is to improve the accuracy and efficiency of mineral resource assessment in order to contribute to sustainable mining practices and resource management. The Taurus Orogenic Belt is known for its significant Pb-Zn mineralization, and the Aladağ-Zamantı province within this belt has been a major area of mining activities. The Yahyalı Region, located within this belt, exhibits Pb-Zn ore mineralization in Devonian-aged carbonates. Geophysical studies were conducted in the Yahyalı Region using IP/Resistivity and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) methods. Measurements were taken along specific profiles and evaluated in combination to determine the ore geometry and potential in the area. These visual representations provide crucial information for effective planning and coordination of mining operations in the region. The utilization of IP/Resistivity and GPR methods and the generated visual information contribute significantly to the success of mining activities in the Yahyalı Region, facilitating the exploration and extraction of Pb-Zn deposits. By employing innovative geophysical techniques, this study aims to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of mining practices in this mineral-rich area.
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