Mineralogy and geochemical signatures of the Mn mineralization in Taşdemir (Pazarcık, Kahramanmaraş, Türkiye)
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Along the Southeast Anatolian Orogenic Belt, units on the Arabian plate and a series of Ophiolitic Melange overlain by tectonic contact are observed. In the Upper Cretaceous thrust belt, the Koçali Complex is situated at the base and the Karadut Complex at the top, respectively. Throughout this belt, Mn mineralization is identified in the lithologies of the Karadut Complex. Around Taşdemir Village (Pazarcık-Kahramanmaraş), units existing in the Koçali and Karadut Complex are frequently observed. Haydar and Germav formations overlie these units with angular unconformity. All units are consequently covered with Middle-Upper Eocene aged limestones existing to the Midyat Group with angular unconformity. In this district, Mn mineralizations linked with the radiolarites of the Karadut Complex are observed. Stratiform-type Mn mineralization is observed through lenses between the layers. Reddish brown and dark grey forms have been identified. Pyrolusite and manganite minerals are identified in XRD analysis. Major oxide and trace element analyses of samples gathered from the ore zone were carried out. As a result of the analysis, the MnO range was detected as 7.42-32.76% (average 20.65), and the SiO2 range was detected as 60.68-83.52% (average72.88). Fe/Mn rate is considerably lower than 0.1. On average, the MnO/TiO2 ratio of Taşdemir Mn mineralization is 483.65, indicating a pelagic environment. In addition, the Fe2O3-Al2O3/(Al2O3+Fe2O3) diagram supports this conclusion. Major and trace elements are evaluated in the diagrams to highlight the origin of manganese mineralization. These evaluations indicate that the mineralization is of hydrothermal origin.
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