Exploration of the Cu-Pb-Zn deposit via using IP/Resistivity methods in Kavşut (Göksun-Kahramanmaraş)
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In the domain of mineral exploration, the identification and characterization of economically viable ore deposits are fundamental challenges. Copper (Cu), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn) deposits play a crucial role in global metal supply chains, and their exploration demands innovative and reliable methodologies. In this scientific article, we present an inclusive study on the exploration of Cu-Pb-Zn deposits using the induced polarization (IP) and resistivity methods. By combining these geophysical techniques, we aim to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of mineral resource assessment, ultimately contributing to sustainable mining practices and resource management. Türkiye, with its tectonic structure, encompasses significant orogenic belts, and notable ore deposits are found along the well-known Tethys metallogenic belt. Cu-Zn-Pb (polymetallic) mineralization can be found in various areas along this tectonic belt. One such occurrence of polymetallic enrichment is observed southeast of Kavşut (Göksun, Kahramanmaraş-Türkiye), which is also situated within the Tethys metallogenic belt. In this region, the Goksun ophiolites form the basement, overlain by the Malatya Metamorphites with a tectonic contact. The mineralization is predominantly observed in fracture cracks and karstic gaps within carbonate rocks. To investigate the geometry and distribution of this mineralization underground, IP/Resistivity studies were conducted. The results indicate that the sulfide mineralization exhibit a high rechargeability character. Cross-sections, two-dimensional level maps, and 3D maps were generated based on the electrical data acquired, enabling effective planning and coordination for mining operations in the area. This visual information proves invaluable for the mining activities conducted in the region.
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