Relocation and part-to-whole approach in land consolidation: The example of Yeğenli neighbourhood of İzmir province Tire district

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Nazif Güler


Land consolidation projects are one of the most important factors of rural development in our country. In order to support rural development, the application area of land consolidation projects has expanded and as a result, various applications have been implemented in each region. 

In this study, the land consolidation project implemented in the rural areas of Yeğenli neighbourhood of Tire district of Izmir was examined in terms of mathematical model and land reallocation method, the total amount of relocation of cadastral parcels after land reallocation was determined as 288.81 metres with the relocation approach, it was determined that there was a 15.90 % decrease in the number of immovable properties with the part-to-whole approach and 36.15 % of the consolidation parcels were obtained with this approach. With the interview conducted in the field, inferences were made on the effect of these approaches on satisfaction.

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How to Cite
Güler, N. (2024). Relocation and part-to-whole approach in land consolidation: The example of Yeğenli neighbourhood of İzmir province Tire district. Advanced Land Management, 4(2), 62–69. Retrieved from


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