Problems encountered in urban transformation applications and solution suggestions: A case study of Osmaniye Province

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Muhammed Emin Işık
Nuri Erdem


In this study, urban transformation practices were discussed within the scope of renewal, arrangement and development activities of existing buildings under natural disasters and the risks that come with them, and the problems and deficiencies experienced in practice were examined specifically in Osmaniye city center. It is known that urban transformation has significant benefits in terms of public interest and public health, and increases the comfort levels of city dwellers through urban planning and infrastructure improvements. Despite its many positive effects on disaster-resistant city planning and the priority of life and property safety, it is sometimes possible to encounter very bad examples as a result of incorrect or incomplete applications. When the applications carried out in Osmaniye city center are examined, it is generally seen that island-based large-scale transformations are more accurate in terms of time, cost and environmental order compared to partially smaller and parcel-based on-site transformations. 

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How to Cite
Işık , M. E. ., & Erdem, N. (2024). Problems encountered in urban transformation applications and solution suggestions: A case study of Osmaniye Province. Advanced Land Management, 4(1), 26–37. Retrieved from


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