Elimination of unqualified additions that distort the silhouette of the historical places: Artuklu example
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The Mardin-Artuklu urban protected area has a unique historical texture, topography and sociological richness, which is rarely seen in the world, with its vibrant urban texture that has continued in the long historical process. The increase in the number of reinforced concrete structures and add-on techniques over time in this well-established residential area has led to the deterioration of the qualitative stone texture. These deteriorations have increased especially after the 1950s and have led to its present appearance. Due to the use of reinforced concrete, the process of deterioration in the historical-urban texture has manifested itself with many negative effects. In the process of being a livable example of the concept of "tourism attraction", which is mentioned in the national strategy plans, especially in the development and other upper-scale plans of the area, reinforced concrete structures constitute one of the most important problems in its inclusion in the permanent heritage list. In this study, it is aimed to examine the importance of the demolition of reinforced concrete structures and their annexes, which are not suitable for the historical and cultural texture within the Artuklu Urban Site Boundaries in the Artuklu District of Mardin City, in revealing the historical texture of the area, through various examples in the Artuklu Site Management model management plan. In the current study, archival research, observational detection, photographic documentation and interview methods were used to determine the physical and socioeconomic contributions of demolition works. As a result, the importance of the demolition of the reinforced concrete structure and its annexes in revealing the historical texture of the area is examined with some examples, and various suggestions are presented according to the system in the management plan.
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