Content analysis of real estate valuation courses taught in the relevant departments of vocational schools in Türkiye

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Nuri Erdem


The value of real estate is used directly or indirectly in many applications. These practices are primarily taxation, expropriation, management of immovables, establishment of rights and similar practices. These practices are carried out by institutions based on the methods defined in the relevant legislation. Real estate valuation is a field that constantly renews itself depending on technical and legal developments. Therefore, more competent valuation experts are needed in the sector. At this point, the importance of the real estate valuation course taught in vocational colleges of universities in order to improve the quality and scope of real estate appraisal education is increasing. Meeting the needs in the sector and training new real estate appraisers depend on the quality of the training provided. In this study; The content analysis of the real estate valuation courses taught in the relevant programs of vocational schools is made, the importance of being up-to-date on the topics covered is revealed, and the place and importance of the education in the field of real estate valuation is emphasized. 

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How to Cite
Erdem, N. (2023). Content analysis of real estate valuation courses taught in the relevant departments of vocational schools in Türkiye. Advanced Land Management, 3(1), 1–12. Retrieved from


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