The public-private partnership (PPP) in the provision of land registry and cadastre services in Türkiye

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Volkan Deniz
Mert Kayalık
Osman Sami Kırtıloğlu
Zeynel Abidin Polat


The tendencies of privatization and reorganization in the world turn the tasks done by the public sector into the private sector. The Public-private partnership (PPP) is defined as the project that the public and private sector cooperate on the financing, operation and management of the environment, housing, transportation, water, sewage, solid waste, and land management. The use of PPP as an effective tool in developing infrastructure and superstructure projects and providing faster and more quality services has a long history. The use of PPPs for land administration services is less common, though there are a few notable successes in developed countries. Many of the tasks necessary for the establishment and maintenance of a cadastral system can be realized by the private sector under public control. Activities such as preparation and registration of title deeds, cadastral mapping, zoning implementations can be carried out by private sector or mixed economic organizations. As emphasized by the Cadastre 2014 vision, the PPP approach can provide a model for completing land administration-based reforms throughout the country and maintaining the success of a given project. The aim of study is to help identify the most appropriate strategy for ensuring private sector, and public institution (General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre-GDLRC), which is the responsible for land administration and cadastre system in Türkiye, cooperation. In this study, the activities carried out jointly by GDLRC and private sector were determined and the legal, institutional and technical situation required for carrying out these activities were analyzed. As a result of the analysis, superior or weaknesses of the public-private sector cooperation in current land administration and cadastral system in Türkiye with opportunities and threats arising from the external environment were identified by the SWOT matrix. According to the SWOT analysis, the biggest obstacle to public-private cooperation is the existence of too many legislations and institutions on land administration. In order to further increase the cooperation between the public and private sectors, it is necessary to eliminate the deficiencies in the legislation and to develop policies for the participation of the private sector in land administration activities.

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How to Cite
Deniz, V., Kayalık, M., Kırtıloğlu, O. S., & Polat, Z. A. (2023). The public-private partnership (PPP) in the provision of land registry and cadastre services in Türkiye. Advanced Land Management, 3(1), 41–53. Retrieved from


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