Investigation of Violations in the Black Sea During the 2008-2012 Fishing Season
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The infringements for the fisheries catching ban were investigated by using acquired data after controls performed by the Turkish Coast Guard Command in seafood catching activities between the Kocaeli-Kefken and Artvin-Hopa borders from 2008 to 2012. In parallel with the gradual increase of world population, both food needs and interest to supply of the need by sea because of limited terrestrial production increases in the same parallel. From this aspect, the protection and improvement of existing catching areas have great importance for the sustainability of fisheries sources in our country. In the present study it has been aimed to contribute to solution offers and fisheries chapter as a part of the European Union accession project via analyses of the infringements for catching ban made by fisheries within the process, based upon the Communique (no: 2/1) that regulates commercial fisheries catching from 2008 to 2012. It has been seen that the number and types of infringements of different catching boats in the different parts of the Black Sea Region are different from each other, and cross-domain differences have been observed. Within the four-year catching season, it has been taken against a total of 234 trawlers, 116 of the punishments from the Middle Black Sea, and being taken criminal actions against 80 seine boats and 175 from the Eastern Black Sea have been an indicator of local variability in catching activities.
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