Determination of the Density of Mats Formed by the Non-native Seagrass Halophila Stipulacea in Mersin Bay (Akkum)

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Deniz AYAS
Mert Can ACAR


Halophila stipulacea is a seagrass species that was one of the first species to enter the Mediterranean Sea with the Lepsian migration, forming local beds as far away as the Caribbean. This species has a wide geographical distribution and its distribution is known to be influenced by many anthropogenic factors. The aim of this study was to determine the mat density of H. stipulacea in Akkum coast of Mersin Bay. The quadrat method was used for sampling. Biometric measurements were made on 100 samples randomly selected from six 1 m2 stations in the sampling area. The average number of shoots was determined to be (488 shoots m-2). The average leaf length of the samples was 42.33±7.17 mm, leaf width was 5.82±0.92 mm, and the length between two nodes was 5.96±1.97 mm. Based on the field observations, it was found that the distribution of mats was denser up to a depth of 8 m, and this density decreased with depth.

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How to Cite
AYAS, D., ÇİFTÇİ, N., TANIŞ, Y. ., & ACAR, M. C. (2024). Determination of the Density of Mats Formed by the Non-native Seagrass Halophila Stipulacea in Mersin Bay (Akkum). Advanced Underwater Sciences, 4(1), 18–21. Retrieved from


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