Morphometric comparison of different populations of Nemipterus Randalli Russell 1986 distributed in the Mediterranean coasts of Turkey Nemipterus randalli'nin Morfometrisi
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It was aimed to compare the populations of N. randalli sampled from Antalya, Anamur, Silifke, Mersin, and Iskenderun by the biometric method. BioMorph program was used in the research. Principal Components Analysis (PCA), Intercluster Correlation Analysis (ICA), and Univariate Analysis of Variance (UAV) were used in the multivariate analyzes of the individuals. The comparison of the data was made with SPSS and Excel package programs. A statistical difference was found between the populations in terms of morphometric characteristics (p<0.05). There was no distinction between populations in terms of meristic characters. Fin rays of the samples (D: X+9-10; A:III+7-8; PEL:I+5; PEC:16-17) and the number of lateral line scales (44/47) were determined. While positive strong correlations were determined in Antalya, Anamur, Silifke, and Iskenderun populations in terms of morphometric characters (p<0.001). Positive and weak correlations were found between preorbital length, dorsal-fin base, anal fin base, eye diameter, and total length in the Mersin population (p<0.05). Length-weight relationships of different populations of N. randalli were determined (b=2.25-3.0; r2=0.90-0.99). It was determined that the species showed isometric growth in Anamur and Silifke populations and negative allometric growth in Antalya, Mersin, and Iskenderun populations. The condition factor values of the species were calculated as 1.21 in Antalya, 1.29 in Anamur, 1.36 in Silifke, 1.32 in Mersin, and 1.28 in Iskenderun. The distinction between populations may vary depending on fish size, the female-male ratio in the population, habitat conditions, sampling time, sampling method, nutritional status of individuals.
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