Heavy Metal Levels and Human Health Risk Assessment in Some Fish Species Caught From Kuşadası Bay (Aegean Sea) Heavy Metal Levels and Human Health Risk Assesment in Some Fish
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The determining of Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb levels in muscle tissue and human health risk assessment of some consumable fish species (Engraulis encrasicolus, Sardinella aurita, Sphyraena sphyraena, Pagellus erythrinus, Mugil cephalus and Mullus barbatus), caught from Kuşadası Bay in 2016-2017 hunting season were aimed. Metal analysis was performed using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrophotometry (ICP-MS) in tissues prepared by the dry weight method. Metal level in tissue varied depending on the species, metal and season, Cu and Zn were highest in S. sphraena and E. encrasicolus in winter, while Pb was determined in M. cephalus in spring. The lowest and highest Cu, Zn and Pb levels in tissues were detected 0.80-5.82, 13.09-41.60 and 0.20-1.30 μg g-1 ww, respectively. Cd level in all fish samples was found below the permissible level of ICP-MS. Tissue metal levels were determined within acceptable limits according to the Turkish Food Codex FAO/WHO standards. The intake rate limits and human health risk assessment based upon non-carcinogenic and cancer risk effect specified no negative impacts of investigated fish consumption.
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