Published 2023-03-24
- Adjustment,
- Outlier Measurement Test,
- LS Method,
- LAV Method,
- LTS Method
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In geodesy and surveying, measurements usually have errors. These errors are called outlier measurements. In order to determine these points, outlier measurement test is performed. There are many different methods used to determine outlier measurement. The least squares (LS) method is the most common method to estimate the unknowns from outlier measurements. However, LS method can be easily affected by outliers which may cause wrong results. Classical outlier tests and robust methods are the two main approaches to detect outliers or reduce their effect. There are a lot of robust methods in literature. In this study, least square method (LS), least absolute value (LAV) and the least trimmed squares (LTS) are discussed. To compare the outlier performances of the methods, real data points are used to create a surface with a 2nd degree polynomial.
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