Spatial association in students’ residential apartment property characteristics around a university

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Oladotun Binuyo
Victoria Amietsenwu Bello


This study aimed at examining the presence of spatial association in residential property characteristics. It considered self-contained residential apartments around a public university in Akure, Nigeria. It is a survey research where data was collected through the use of questionnaires administered to the occupants of the self-contained apartment within a 500-meter radius of the ‘Southgate’ axis of the university. Data collected was analyzed with the use of ArcGIS software where spatial regression was carried out as well as the Anselin Local Indicator of Spatial Association for Cluster/outlier analysis. The result of the analysis revealed that some of the property characteristics have multicollinearity which led to dropping some of them that are represented by their collinear attribute. Distance from the university was observed to have an inverse relationship with the rental prices while other property attributes have a positive influence. From the cluster/outlier analysis, it was revealed that there are significant clustering/outlying in the central and northwestern parts of the study area. The property physical attributes such as kitchen quality, bathroom quality, toilet quality, window quality, and wall quality are high in the northwestern parts where there are new and modern designs while the central part of the study area has low quality of these attributes. The results of the analysis show that the clustering/ outlying, otherwise known as spatial association, among the property attributes are not the same across a particular place and the assumption of a uniform spatial association across the area would be misleading. It is therefore recommended that analysis of real estate investment around an academic institution in Nigeria should consider the property characteristics that influence prices and also adopt spatial clustering analysis to know the specific property characteristics that are to be improved upon on the quality that should be provided to have the best prices with reference to locations. The originality of this research comes in the use of a relatively smaller study area in examining spatial associations among property characteristics. It also considers the clustering/outlying analysis of the qualities of the property characteristics with reference to specific locations which would help real estate developers and analysts on the quality of finishing that should be given to each property attribute at different locations around a university campus in Nigeria.

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How to Cite
Binuyo, O., & Bello, V. A. . (2024). Spatial association in students’ residential apartment property characteristics around a university. Advanced GIS, 4(2), 82–99. Retrieved from


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