Guidelines for Authors Preparing Manuscripts for Publication Template can be downloaded at this Template Link

                         Journal Template

                               ORCID Form

                    Review Proposal Form

                                                                        (Please recommend at least two reviewers)

Title 12 font-size Cambria left aligned and bold

Full Name*1, Full Name 2, Full Name 3


Content should be written in Cambria 9 font size and should be a maximum of 200 words.

Content should be written in 2 columns with Cambria 10 font size. The first line of each paragraph should be written by 0.7 cm indentation.


Content should be written in 2 columns with Cambria 10 font size. The first line of each paragraph should be written by 0.7 cm indentation.

The article should begin with an introduction section, which includes the ideas and the basic objectives and approaches of the article, combining scientific knowledge, evidence-based information and logical discussions in different disciplines. This section should be written considering all readers. Technical terms, symbols and abbreviations should be defined when first used in the article.

The main sections of the manuscript are “introduction”, “method” “results” “discussion” and “conclusion” and they should be written in 10 font size, justify, bold and capital letters.

This template explains how to design the manuscript. If the author (s) uses this template file, no settings change will be required since settings such as font and size, line spacing, spaces before paragraphs, indents, etc. are made in styles. If you want to avoid problems when copy and paste texts or with the text format, you can use “Applying styles to the article” section which is at the end of template.


Content should be written in 2 columns with Cambria 10 font size.

“Introduction” part should be followed by “Method”, “Results”, “Discussion” and “Conclusion” parts.

The article should be saved in MS Office Word as either .doc or docx. Text should be written as A4 size with 2 cm spacing at top, bottom, left and right side. Text should be written with single line spacing. Page numbers should not be added.

Articles prepared in accordance with the principles of writing and approved by the review board are published.

2.1. The Second Level Headings (Cambria, First Character Capital, Bold 10 Font Size)

Content should be written in 2 columns with Cambria 10 font size.

The second-level headings should be written with left-aligned, 10 font size, first character capital, bold. Each paragraph should separate with one line from the former paragraph. You can delete this section and write the article text without disturbing the formatting. No spaces should be left between paragraphs in the text.

2.2. The second Level Headings (Cambria, First Character Capital, Bold, 10 Font Size)

The second-level headings should be written with left-aligned, 10 font size, first character capital, bold. Each paragraph should separate with one line from the former paragraph. You can delete this section and write the article text without disturbing the formatting. No spaces should be left between paragraphs in the text.

Figures should be left and right-aligned and numbered. Figure caption should be written 10 font size,

cambria, first letter of first word capital. It should not be written as bold or italic. A dot should be placed after the figure number.

Figures should have at least 400 dpi. Text in the figure should be 9 font size. A line should not be exist between figure and figure caption. A line should exist between text and figure. Figure caption should be located under the figure. Figures should be cited in the text as “Figure. 1”.

2.2.1. Third-level heading (Cambria, only first letter capital, bold 10 font size)

The only first letter of the first word is capital, justified, 10 font size. It should be separated from the former paragraph with a single line.


References, tables, figures to be used must be prepared in accordance with APA 6. Articles that do not comply with the rules of writing and APA are eliminated in the first stage by the editor. You should review your references and check their compliance with APA 6. Tables must be cited in the text together with the table number as “Table 1”.

Tables should be numbered and the title of the table should be written in 10 pt. Table title should not be bold or italic. The table number should be followed by a dot and the table name should be written. No dot should be placed after the table name is written. Please do not use vertical lines in Tables.

In-table values/inscriptions should be 9 pt. No spaces should be left between the table title and the table. Tables should be specified in the text with the number of tables. Tables should be used in the text or on the following page. Related notes and references should be indicated at the bottom of the table after “Note:” or “Source:”. The space between the text and the table before and after the table must be 1 row.


First level headings should be 10 font size, Cambria, bold, left aligned.


Citation in text should be as;
Single author
...(Yakar, 2011).

Two authors
...(İnan & Yomralıoğlu, 2011).
Three or more authors
...(Erkan et al., 2011).

Two references
...(Yakar, 2011; Yomralıoğlu, 2011).


Acknowledgements of support for the project/paper/author are welcome.

Author Contributions

The contributions of the authors to the article should be stated.

Example 1. (for a single author) A single author carried out the study.

Example 2.  (for two or more authors)  Author1: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Author2: Data curation, Writing-Original draft preparation, Software, Validation. Author3: Visualization, Investigation, Writing-Reviewing and Editing…

Statement of Conflicts of Interest

Example 1. (for a single author) The author declares no conflicts of interest.

Example 2.  (for two or more authors) There is no conflict of interest between the authors.

Statement of Research and Publication Ethics

 Research and publication ethics were complied with in the study


References should be written according to APA 7th edition. All of the references should be written in alphabetical order. Please do not use any website [URL] as a citation. Do not put an empty line between references.


Çoruhlu, Y. E., & Çelik, M. Ö. (2022). Protected area geographical management model from design to implementation for specially protected environment area. Land Use Policy, 122, 106357.

Kuşak, L. (2019). Web mining and spatial content detection. Journal of Geomatics, 4(1), 14-22.

Çelik, M. Ö., Hamal S. N. G., & Yakar, İ. (2020). The use of terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) method in documentation of cultural heritage: Case study of German Fountain. Turkish Journal of LIDAR, 2(1), 15-22.

(If the articles have a doi number, you add them, please.


Yakar, M., Kuşak, L, Ünel, F. B., & İban, M. (2020). Surveying: A Comprehensive Guide to Geomatics Engineering Applications. Atlas Academy.


Brück, M. (2009). Women in early British and Irish astronomy: Stars and satellites. Springer Nature. https:/

Conference, symposium or paper presentation

Kuşak, L, Ünel, F. B., Doğan, H., Şahin, A., & Yakar, M. (2019, November 7-9). Climate classification analysis: Mersin case [Symposium presentation]. International Symposium on Applied Geoinformatics (ISAG-2019), Istanbul, Türkiye.

Rutledge, L., LeMire, S., & Mowdood, A. (2015, March 25–28). Dare to perform: Using organizational competencies to manage job performance [Paper presentation]. Association of College & Research Libraries 2015 Annual Conference, Portland, OR, United States.

Conference, symposium or paper proceedings published in a journal

Çoruhlu, Y. E., Çelik, M. Ö., Demir, O., & Yıldız, O. (2017). GIS applications in land management of protected areas. Proceedings Book of DOKAP Region International Tourism Symposium, Trabzon, Türkiye, 295-308.

Duckworth, A. L., Quirk, A., Gallop, R., Hoyle, R. H., Kelly, D. R., & Matthews, M. D. (2019). Cognitive and noncognitive predictors of success. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 116(47), 23499–23504.


Dissertation or Thesis from a Database

Kuşak, L. (2010). Spatial data gain from web (Publication No. 350628) [Doctoral Thesis, Istanbul Technical University]. YÖK National Thesis Center.

Orhan, O. (2018). Determining potential sinkhole areas using remote sensing and geographic information systems (Publication No. 565007) [Doctoral Thesis, Selçuk University]. YÖK National Thesis Center.

Dissertation or Thesis Published Online (Not in a Database)

Lui, T. T. F. (2013). Experiences in the bubble: Assimilation and acculturative stress of Chinese heritage students in Silicon Valley [Master's thesis, Stanford University]. Graduate School of Education International Comparative Education Master's Monographs Digital Collection.


Official Gazette. (1983). Law 2942 Expropriation  (Number: 18215).

Internet address

If there is an author of quotations from the Internet;

Gaborski, R. S. (2010). Principal components analysis. Lectures Notes. Retrieved April 17, 2023, from

Habing, B. (2003). Exploratory Factor Analysis. People. Retrieved May 10, 2021, from

If there is no author of quotations from the Internet;

CEE. (2016). Effects of high voltage lines passing through residential areas. EMO. Retrieved January 29, 2017, from


Detailed information for APA7th edition


(Authors should indicate the corrections they have made according to the suggestions of reviewers in different colors.)