Researching the use of infrastructure in land management

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Davut Balcı


Since soil is the cornerstone of human life, it has an important place in both individual and social life. Therefore, the soil needs management for its continuity, that is, its sustainability. Infrastructure is the general name of the facilities such as transportation, electricity, internet, drinking water, sewerage, road and landscape for a building or an area where people live, work or reside. Infrastructure work and facilities are of great importance for the quality of life and economy. In this study, the use of infrastructure in land management was investigated. The importance and contributions of land management were researched and presented during the infrastructure project design and implementation studies. Various problems can be encountered while making infrastructure projects. If we reduce these problems to 3; we can reduce the passage of highways as passing from the state waterworks structure and passing from the private property. In the study, although we talk about how these 3 problems can be solved in general, it has also been tried to find solutions to other problems and problems. The technical specifications of Iller Bank, which has become professional in infrastructure in our country and have carried out many studies with its technical team, have been used as material.

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How to Cite
Balcı, D. (2022). Researching the use of infrastructure in land management. Advanced GIS, 2(1), 18–23. Retrieved from


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