A geographical information systems (GIS) perspective on European green deal and sustainability

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Mustafa Önder
Ahmet Güntel
Özgür Yanıt Kaya


The European Union (EU), known for its sensitivity to environmental and social sustainability issues, especially on topics such as combating climate change, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and using renewable energy since the 1990s, took these sensitivities one step further in November 2019. In November 2019, it took these sensitivities one step further and presented a package of initiatives, a commitment by the Union to take firm and ambitious steps in environmental and sustainability issues: The European Green Deal. The Memorandum aroused significant repercussions for all state, international organisations and private sector players that have economic, political and geographical connections with the EU, because the Consensus, which consists of the standards set by the EU for its member states, also has the potential to affect the relations of EU countries with third parties. This situation has revealed the necessity of a good understanding of the Agreement by everyone, given the wide commercial and diplomatic ties of the EU. In the geographic data infrastructure designed within the scope of this study, a total of 26 intermediate criteria grouped in 5 main criteria were used. Within the scope of the study, we aim to test the analysis to be made with the availability of quantitative data and topographic data by the European Green Reconciliation. By making use of these data used in the continuation of our study, expert opinions, surveys, etc. can be weighted with AHP or TOPSIS method, and positions, companies, etc. that are important for the Green Reconciliation can be determined.

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How to Cite
Önder, M. ., Güntel, A., & Kaya, Özgür Y. (2022). A geographical information systems (GIS) perspective on European green deal and sustainability. Advanced GIS, 2(1), 33–37. Retrieved from https://publish.mersin.edu.tr/index.php/agis/article/view/266


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