Heat maps of U-Th enrichments in open source coded geographical information systems (GIS); Arıklı (Çanakkale, Turkey) district

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Cihan Yalçın


Uranium (U) and Thorium (Th) are both strategically important elements in the world. For this reason, it is exceedingly significant to explore for these elements, which are enriched in many geological environments. U-Th enrichments in Turkey were usually discovered in the Western Anatolian geography. U-Th anomalies were still observed in the Arıklı region in the south of Çanakkale. Remote sensing (RS) and geographic information systems (GIS) are platforms for the map-based evaluation of geological structures. In this study, RS and GIS were utilized in the QGIS program to carry out the geochemical data obtained in the field more understandable. GIS and remote sensing methods have been widely used to analyse the formation, origins, and processes of geochemical characters in ore deposits. U-Th values, which show high values in the fault zones in the Arıklı region, are immediately related to the CaO values. As in many geological studies, remote sensing and GIS studies suggest the opportunity to check out field data with a significant quality in the exploration of ore deposits.

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How to Cite
Yalçın, C. ., Öztürk, S. ., & Kumral, M. . (2022). Heat maps of U-Th enrichments in open source coded geographical information systems (GIS); Arıklı (Çanakkale, Turkey) district. Advanced GIS, 2(2), 46–51. Retrieved from https://publish.mersin.edu.tr/index.php/agis/article/view/541


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