Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024)

How is Mathematics Popularized as the Basis of Engineering Education?

Nuri Erdem

Published 2024-03-31


  • Mathematics Teaching,
  • Mathematics Favorite,
  • Mathematics in Engineering,
  • Education

How to Cite

Erdem, N., & Yıldırım, B. . (2024). How is Mathematics Popularized as the Basis of Engineering Education?. Advanced Geomatics, 4(1), 17–23. Retrieved from https://publish.mersin.edu.tr/index.php/geomatics/article/view/1327


Mathematics in engineering is very large areas of use. In fact, it is so much that engineering is the profession that uses mathematics the most. Especially survey engineering is an engineering field that uses mathematical knowledge so much since it has already entered the field of Applied Mathematics as a branch of Science. As a science fiction, mathematics, which has been active in all periods of human history, is a "very lovely" by some of today's students and a "never loving" one for some. In this study; a questioner has been conducted on the questionnaire "How is Mathematics endeared?” with approximately 445 students at different grade levels in different schools (Osmaniye İmam Hatip, Anatolian, Science, Social Sciences, etc./Turkey) who teach different types of education in Osmaniye province and 20 mathematics teachers who work in these schools participated. The answers are analyzed and interpreted with Excel graphs, and it is aimed to contribute to ingratiate and liking of the mathematics course in this way. After all; with this study, awareness about mathematics has been formed in teachers and students, negative factors that decrease mathematics success have been determined, everyone has offered suggestions for solution of the problem and it has been reached that mathematics can be ingratiate and liked when appropriate methods and techniques are used.


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