Published 2021-09-30
- Centering elements,,
- reduction of off-center observations to the center,,
- calculation of centering elements
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In cartography, when it is necessary to measure the angle at the center of the minaret, on which no tools can be installed, a point marked on the minaret balcony is used as the off-center point. The calculation of the basic elements required to reduce the angle measurements made at this off-center point to the center point is called “Calculation of Centering Elements”. In the local coordinate system created with the help of two points established on the land near the minaret in the classical method, the centering elements can be calculated after the coordinates of the center point and the off-center point are found. It is possible to calculate the centering elements with other methods besides the classical method. As a matter of fact, there is also a study in the past that provides convenience in calculation. In this study; taking into account the other study on this subject, another method that does not require coordinate calculation is explained. Numerical applications related to the subject have been made in such a way as to reset the effects of rounding errors. The results obtained with other methods and the classical method were examined. At the end of the study, the findings and opinions are stated.
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