A New Locality Record of Fangtooth Moray Enchelycore Anatina (Lowe, 1839) in Mersin Bay, Türkiye

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Deniz AYAS


A single specimen of fangtooth moray eel Enchelycore anatina (Lowe, 1839)  was observed during scuba diving in Mersin Bay (Akkum-Erdemli, Turkey) at a depth of 10 m in May 2024. This study provides an additional record of this species from Turkish waters and a new locality record from Mersin Bay (northeastern Mediterranean coast, Turkey). It indicates a successful adaptation of the moray eel specimen to the new locality.

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How to Cite
AYAS, D., ALAGÖZ ERGÜDEN, S., & ERGÜDEN, D. (2024). A New Locality Record of Fangtooth Moray Enchelycore Anatina (Lowe, 1839) in Mersin Bay, Türkiye. Advanced Underwater Sciences, 4(1), 27–30. Retrieved from https://publish.mersin.edu.tr/index.php/aus/article/view/1566


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